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We are creating functional materials that are synthesized via precise polymerization techniques

In our laboratory, Synthesis of various specially-structured polymers; molecular design of functional polymers such as stimuli-responsive polymers and conductive polymers; the study of micro-phase separation using block copolymers; creation and application of environmental zero-waste macromolecular materials with multi-functions.


Article published award

Suzuki (Ph.D.), Takagi (alumni), and Matsuda(M1) have published an article to Chemistry Letters.
"Synthesis of polycarbonates and polyesters via tetraalkylammonium salt-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization"

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Zhang of Harbin Engineering University was published in Journal of Energy Storage (IF=8.9).
"Silver Anchored Polyetherimide@CNPs/WS2/Polyaniline Coaxial Fibrous Membranes with Heterostructures for Constructing Binder-Free Flexible Electrodes for Supercapacitors"

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Sakai of Asahikawa National College of Technology was published in New Journal of Chemistry(IF=2.7)
"A Facile Method for Colorimetric Determination of the Enantiomeric Purity of Amino Acids Using Poly(phenylacetylene) Possessing (S)-Mandelamide Receptors"

Article published award

Weeranuch (Postdoctoral researcher) Chaehun(D3), and Fukushima (M2) have published an article to Carbohydrate Polymers (IF=11.2).
"Self-assembly of malto-oligosaccharide-block-solanesol in aqueous solutions: Investigating morphology and sugar-based physiological compatibility"

Article published award

Nishimura (D3), Chaehun(D2), and Nunokawa(M2) have published an article to Macromolecules.
In this study, monodisperse block copolymers consisting of oligodimethylsiloxane and maltooligosaccharides were synthesized, and the formation of ultrafine microphase-separated structures with domain sizes ranging from 3.59 to 4.99 nm was confirmed, depending on the degree of polymerization. These domain sizes are among the smallest reported for sugar-based block copolymers. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that domain sizes could be precisely controlled through adjustments at the monomer unit level.
"Molecular Design of a Discrete Oligosaccharide-block-Oligodimethylsiloxane System: Toward Microphase Separation with 1 nm Domain Size and Angstrom-Scale Size Control"

Article published award

Weeranuch (Postdoctoral researcher) and Chaehun(D3) have published an article to Carbohydrate Polymers (IF=11.2).
"Fully biosourced amphiphilic block copolymer from tamarind seed xyloglucan and solanesol: synthesis, aqueous self-assembly, and drug encapsulation"

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Sakai of Asahikawa National College of Technology was published in Macromolecules (IF = 5.1)
"Colorimetric Sensing of Chirality Based on Synergistic Effect of Multiple Chiral Amide Receptors Consecutively Organized along Poly(phenylacetylene) Backbone"

Article published award

Weeranuch (Postdoctoral researcher) and Ke(D2) have published an article to Carbohydrate Polymers (IF=11.2).
"Molecular structure of enzyme-synthesized amylose-like chimeric isomaltomegalosaccharides and their encapsulation of the sulfasalazine prodrug"

Article published award

Suzuki (D3), Nunokawa(M2) and Miwa(M1) has published an article to Polymers. Using the "self-switch polymerization" technique that our laboratory has developed, we have created a polyester-based hot melt adhesive. By altering the combination of monomers and initiators, we synthesized polyesters with diverse structures and investigated the correlation between polymer structure and adhesive performance. In the future, we anticipate further advancements in the development of environmentally conscious, high-performance materials through self-switch polymerization.
"Polyester Adhesives via One-Pot, One-Step Copolymerization of Cyclic Anhydride, Epoxide, and Lactide"

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Tajima of Hokkaido University was published in Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications.
"Detailed structural analyses and viscoelastic properties of nano-fibrillated bacterial celluloses"

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Chi-Ching Kuo of National Taipei University of Technology was published in Small(IF=13.0)
"Ultralow-Energy-Consumption Photosynaptic Transistor Utilizing Conjugated Polymers/Perovskite Quantum Dots Nanocomposites with Ligand Density Optimization"

The 15th CSE International Summer School & The 12th ALP International Symposium award

The 15th CSE International Summer School & The 12th ALP International Symposium were held at Chichibubetsu Onsen "Chippu Yu & Yu" in Hokkaido on August 24 and 25. From our laboratory,Shao (D2) gave oral presentation, and Kuo gave poster presentations. Shao (D2) received the Oral Presentation Award!
Pictures here!

Hokkaido University - National Central University Joint Symposium on Materials Chemistry and Physics 2024

Excited to announce that we recently held a joint Symposium with National Central University from Taiwan! It was a fantastic opportunity to share insights and collaborate on innovative research. Ibe(M1) won the Best Poster Award, and Miwa(M1) and Sugiyama (B4) won the Poster Award!
Pictures here!

Prof.Hsin-Lung Chen's lecture

The lectures by Professor Hsin-Lung Chen of National Tsing Hua University were held from August 19 to 22. Thanks for the interesting lecture!

Pictures here!

Best Presentation Award award

Iwasaki (M2), Ibe (M1), and Miwa (M1) from our lab received the Best Presentation Award from the Hokkaido Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan at the 2024 Summer Research Presentation Meeting held on July 20th!"

Article published award

Ph.D. Gao (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor) have published an article to Journal of the American Chemical Society(JACS). A Lewis acid-Brønsted base binary organocatalysis system was designed to precisely control monomer sequences in synthesized copolymers. By adjusting the catalyst ratio, the monomer sequence in the synthesized poly(ester-amide ester) can be continuously modulated, from ABA-type real block copolymers to gradient, random-like, reversed gradient, and reversed BAB-type block-like copolymers.
"Toward Fully Controllable Monomers Sequence: Binary Organocatalyzed Polymerization from Epoxide/Aziridine/Cyclic Anhydride Monomer Mixture"

Article published award

Suzuki (D3) has published an article to Polymer Chemistry. This study demonstrated ring-opening alternating copolymerization (ROAC) of glycidylamine with cyclic anhydrides for amino-functionalized polyesters (APEs).
"Synthesis of Amino-Functionalized Polyester via Ring-Opening Alternating Copolymerization of Glycidylamines with Cyclic Anhydrides"

Poster presentation prize award

Prof. Sato, Prof. Isono, Baba (D1), Iwasaki (M2), and Fujiwara (M2) participated in the 2024 The 14th Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Polymer Symposium (JTBPS 2024) held in Matsuyama City! Iwasaki was awarded the Poster Presentation Award!
Pictures here!

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Tajima of Hokkaido University was published in Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (IF=8.1)
"Poly(butylene succinate) reinforced by small amount of grafted nanofibrillated bacterial cellulose: Toughness variability based on nanocomposites preparation method"

The Hokkaido Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2024 Summer Research Presentation Meeting

The Hokkaido Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan held its 2024 Summer Research Presentation Meeting at Kitami Institute of Technology on July 20th. From our laboratory, Iwasaki (M2), Kakehi (M2), Fujiwara (M2), Ayakawa (M1), Ibe (M1), Oishi (M1), Matsuda (M1), and Miwa (M1) gave oral presentations!
Pictures here!


From July 1st to 4th, IUPAC MACRO 2024 was held in the United Kingdom, where Professor Li gave a lecture.
Pictures here!

Poster presentation prize award

At the recently held 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Chaehun (D3) received the Outstanding Poster Award!!

Joint workshop with CERMAV-CNRS

Excited to announce that we recently held a joint workshop with CERMAV-CNRS from France as part of our JST ASPIRE project! It was a fantastic opportunity to share insights and collaborate on innovative research. Ke(D2) won the Best Poster Award, and Baba(D1) won the Poster Award!
Pictures here!

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Tajima of Hokkaido University was published in Polymer Journal (IF=2.8)
"Optimizing crystal transitions in low-temperature, low-concentration NaOH solutions for preparation of cellulose I and II composite materials."

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Hsin-Lung Chen of National Tsing Hua University was published in Macromolecules Giant (IF=5.4).
"Phase Behavior of Sugar-Based Block Co-Oligomer Modulated by Molecular Chirality."

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Hsin-Lung Chen of National Tsing Hua University was published in Macromolecules (IF=5.1).
"Tuning the Complex Spherical Phase of Sugar-Based Block Co-Oligomer via Single-Monomer-Mediated Composition Variation"

The 41st International Conference on Photopolymers (ICPST-41 2024)

The 41st International Conference on Photopolymers (ICPST-41 2024) was held from June 25th to 28th at the Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall in Chiba City. From our laboratory, Professor Isono and Nishimura (D2) gave presentations.
Pictures here!

Farewell party for Chen Mei-Nung

We held a farewell party for Chen Mei-Nung. Thank you for your hard work!
Pictures here!

The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science

From June 5th to 7th, We participated in the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, held in Sendai City. Ten students gave oral presentations, and four students presented posters. Professor Isono delivered an oral presentation, and Professor Sato gave a lecture as a recipient of the Society of Polymer Science Award.
Pictures here!

Article published award

Ota(M2) and Suzuki(D3) have published an article to Macromolecules (IF=5.5).
This study demonstrated the effectiveness of organobases in catalyzing the ring-opening copolymerization (ROCOP) of oxetanes with cyclic anhydrides. Moreover, this polymerization process can be seamlessly integrated with other ROCOP processes.
"Organobase-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Copolymerization of Cyclic Anhydrides and Oxetanes: Establishment and Application in Block Copolymer Synthesis"

New members joined

4 bachelor students, 1 master student, and 1 Ph. D student joined to our laboratory!
Pictures here!

Article published award

A paper co-authored by Prof. Zhang of Harbin Engineering University was published in Journal of Power Sources (IF=9.2).
"Construction of Novel Coaxial Electrospun Polyetherimide@Polyaniline Core-shell Fibrous Membranes as Free-Standing Flexible Electrodes for Supercapacitors"

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