
Learning Satellite & joint symposiums in Taiwan

The degree conferral ceremony was held. From our laboratory, two doctoral students, seven master's students, and four bachelor's students have completed their programs and graduated. Congratulations!

Learning Satellite & joint symposiums in Taiwan

For a week from March 3, Prof. Sato and seven students went to Taiwan to participate in National Taiwan University Learning Satellite and joint symposiums held at the and four Taiwanese universities (National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Central University, and National Taipei University of Science and Technology)! We would like to thank all the professors and students in Taiwan who helped us a lot during our stay. Thank you very much!

Group photo➀

Group photo➁

Poster session(M1 Fukushima)

We had many opportunities to interact with Taiwanese students!

The 72nd Polymer Conference @ Niigata

The 72nd Polymer Conference was held at Niigata University from September 24 to 27. From our lab, Professor Li, Professor Gao, Ebe (D3), Chaehun (D3), Ke (D2), and Baba (D1) gave oral presentations, while Ebii (D1), Shao (D1), and Kakei (M2) presented posters!

lab trip!

This year's lab trip was to the Tokachi area!

The 39th Summer University in Hokkaido and the 2024 Hokkaido Polymer Young Researchers Meeting

On September 13th, the 39th Summer University in Hokkaido and the 2024 Hokkaido Polymer Young Researchers Meeting were held in Rusutsu. From our lab, Iwasaki (M2), Kakei (M2), Fujiwara (M2), Ayakawa (M1), Ibe (M1), Oishi (M1), Fukushima (M1), Matsuda (M1), Ishikawa (B4), and Sugiyama (B4) presented posters, and Iwasaki won the Best Poster Presentation Award! The following day, we had fun at an amusement park!

Happy Birthday to Professor Satoh!

We celebrated Prof. Satoh's birthday! Happy Birthday!!!

Research Exchange Meeting with Kanazawa University @ Kanazawa University

On September 9th, we held a research exchange meeting and visited Professor Kenji Takahashi's laboratory at Kanazawa University!

Hokkaido University - National Central University Joint Symposium on Materials Chemistry and Physics 2024

The 29th International SPACC Symposium was held at Hokkaido University on September 5th and 6th, where Suzuki (D3) received the SPACC Young Investigator Award 2024! Additionally, a poster session was held, and Ke (D2), Ebii (D1), Shao (D1), and Oishi (M1) won the Best Poster Award!

The 15th CSE International Summer School & The 12th ALP International Symposium

The 15th CSE International Summer School & The 12th ALP International Symposium were held at Chichibubetsu Onsen "Chippu Yu & Yu" in Hokkaido on August 24 and 25. From our laboratory,Shao (D2) gave oral presentation, and Kuo gave poster presentations. Shao (D2) received the Oral Presentation Award!

Hokkaido University - National Central University Joint Symposium on Materials Chemistry and Physics 2024

The lectures by Professor Hsin-Lung Chen of National Tsing Hua University were held from August 19 to 22. Thanks for the interesting lecture!

Prof.Hsin-Lung Chen's lecture

The lectures by Professor Hsin-Lung Chen of National Tsing Hua University were held from August 19 to 22. Thanks for the interesting lecture!

Japan-France Joint Workshop on Sustainable Polymers

Prof. Sato, Prof. Isono, Baba (D1), Iwasaki (M2), and Fujiwara (M2) participated in the 2024 The 14th Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Polymer Symposium (JTBPS 2024) held in Matsuyama City! Iwasaki was awarded the Poster Presentation Award!

Presentation by Prof. Satoh

Presentation by Prof. Isono

introduced our lab.

2024 Summer Research Presentation Meeting

The Hokkaido Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan held its 2024 Summer Research Presentation Meeting at Kitami Institute of Technology on July 20th. From our laboratory, Iwasaki (M2), Kakehi (M2), Fujiwara (M2), Ayakawa (M1), Ibe (M1), Oishi (M1), Matsuda (M1), and Miwa (M1) gave oral presentations!

Group Photo!


Japan-France Joint Workshop on Sustainable Polymers

From July 3rd to 6th, the Japan-France Joint Workshop on Sustainable Polymers was held, co-hosted by our laboratory and CERMAV-CNRS in France. Ke(D2) won the Best Poster Award, and Baba(D1) won the Poster Award!


From July 1st to 4th, IUPAC MACRO 2024 was held in the United Kingdom, where Professor Li gave a lecture.

mangoes from Prof. Liu

We received mangoes from Professor Liou of National Taiwan University!
They were incredibly delicious. Thank you so much for your kindness!

The 41st International Conference on Photopolymers (ICPST-41 2024)

The 41st International Conference on Photopolymers (ICPST-41 2024) was held from June 25th to 28th at the Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall in Chiba City. From our laboratory, Professor Isono and Nishimura (D2) gave presentations.

Farewell party for Chen Mei-Nung

We held a farewell party for Chen Mei-Nung. Thank you for your hard work!

Group Photo!

We sent several gifts!

mangoes from Prof. Liou

We received mangoes from Professor Liou of National Taiwan University!
They were incredibly delicious. Thank you so much for your kindness!

The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science

From June 5th to 7th, We participated in the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, held in Sendai City. Ten students gave oral presentations, and four students presented posters. Professor Isono delivered an oral presentation, and Professor Sato gave a lecture as a recipient of the Society of Polymer Science Award.

New member joined

4 bachelor students, 1 master student, and 1 Ph. D student joined to our laboratory!

All member!

New member!


Learning Satellite & joint symposiums in Taiwan

For a week from March 3, Prof. Sato and seven students went to Taiwan to participate in National Taiwan University Learning Satellite and joint symposiums held at the and four Taiwanese universities (National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Central University, and National Taipei University of Science and Technology)! We would like to thank all the professors and students in Taiwan who helped us a lot during our stay. Thank you very much!

Group Photo at National Taiwan University

Group Photo at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

We participated in joint symposiums.

Enjoyed a delicious meal!.

The 32nd Polymer Materials Forum

The 32nd Polymer Materials Forum was held at Nagoya Congress Center from November 30 to December 1, and our laboratory was introduced. Iizuka (M1) and Nunokawa (M1), who won the Poster Award at the 72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting, also gave poster presentations.

Group Photo!

We introduced our laboratory.

The 16th Symposium on Organocatalysis

The 16th Symposium on Organocatalysis was held at Tohoku University on November 27-28. From our laboratory, Professor Li gave an oral presentation and Mizukami (M2) gave a poster presentation.

The 13rd CSJ Chemistry Festa

At the Hokkaido Branch of The Chemical Society of Japan, Hokkaido Branch Summer Meeting 2023 (75th Anniversary Meeting) held on September 3, our lab member, Ota (M1), received the Best Presentation Award of The Chemical Society of Japan, Hokkaido Branch!

The 13rd CSJ Chemistry Festa

The 13rd CSJ Chemistry Festa was held at Tower Hall Funabori from October 17 to 19. Baba(M2), Iizuka(M1), Ohta(M1), Kobayashi(M1)、 Nunokawa(M1) gave poster presentations.

The 5th International Cellulose Conference (ICC2022+1)/ Annual Meeting of 30th The Cellulose Society of Japan

The 5th International Cellulose Conference (ICC2022+1)/30th Annual Meeting of Cellulose Society of Japan was held from September 26th to 29th. From our laboratory, Prof. Isono and Mr. Tsuji (M2) gave poster presentations!

The 72nd Symposium on Macromolecules September 26–28, 2023

The 72nd Symposium on Macromolecules was held at Kagawa University on September 26-28. From our laboratory, Prof. Satoh, Prpf. Isono, Gao (D3), Mizukami (M2), and Ohta (M1) gave oral presentations, and Dr. Suzuki (D2) and Dr. Nishimura (D2) gave poster presentations!

Groop photo

Presentation by Prof. Satoh

Presentation by Ohta (M1)

Farewell party for Pan Quan-Jhen and Chang Ting-Wei

We held a farewell party for Pan Quan-Jhen and Chang Ting-Wei. Thank you for your hard work!


Group photo➀

Group photo➁

TJBPS 2023

The 12th Taiwan-Jpan Bilateral Polymer Symposium (TJBPS 2023) was held at National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan on September 10-14. From our laboratory, Prof. Satoh gave an oral presentation and Chaehun (D2) and Ebii (M2) gave poster presentations, and Chaehun (D2) received the best poster award!

Prof. Satoh's presentation

Cheahun (D2) received the Best Poster Award.


Happy Birthday!

We celebrated Prof. Satoh's birthday! Happy Birthday!!!

Group photo

Birthday cake!

The 2023 Annual SPACC Meeting/The 3rd International OUS Frontier Symposium

The 2023 Annual SPACC Meeting and The 3rd International OUS Frontier Symposium were held at Okayama University of Science on September 1. From our laboratory, Ebe (D2) gave an oral presentation and Gao (D2) gave a poster presentation!

Presentation by Ebe (D2)

The 14th CSE International Summer School & The 11th ALP International Symposium

The 14th CSE International Summer School & The 11th ALP International Symposium were held at Chichibubetsu Onsen "Chippu Yu & Yu" in Hokkaido on August 31 and September 1. From our laboratory,Suzuki (D2), Ke (D1), Ebii (M2), Chen, Tsai, and Chang gave poster presentations, and Ebii (M2) received the Poster Presentation Award!

Award Certificates

Group photo


38th Summer University in Hokkaido & 2023rd Hokkaido Young Polymer Scientists

38th Summer University in Hokkaido and 2023rd Hokkaido Young Polymer Scientists was held from 25th to 26th, August. From our laboratory,Iizuka (M1)、Ota (M1)、Kobayashi (M1)、Nunokawa (M1)、Ebii (M2)、Mizukami (M2)、Baba (M2)、Lee (D2)、Ebe (D2) presented posters and Nishimura (D1) made a oral presentation. Mizukami (M2) and Ebe (D2) received the Best Poster Award!

Mizukami (M2) received the Best Poster Award.

Ebe (D2) received the Best Poster Award.

Poster session

Presentation by Nishimura (D1)

Farewell party for Chen Wei-Wen

We held a farewell party for Chen Wei-Wen from National Taipei University of Technology. Thank you for your hard work!

Presenting gifts

Group photo!

Prof.Cheng-Liang Liu's lecture

The lectures by Professor Cheng-Liang Liu of National Taiwan University were held from August 21 to 24.
Thanks for the interesting lecture!

Master Thesis (Ebii)

Ebii(M2) presented his thesis.
Great job!

Ebii (presentating)

Ebii (after the presentation)

Softball Competition (final)

The inter-laboratory softball competition was held! In the final, we played against the Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis Chemistry and won the game! We became a champion!!

Prof. Satoh

We became a champion!!

With the Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis Chemistry

We got the trophy!

The 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023)

The 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023) was held from 18th to 21st at Sapporo Convention Center. Prof. Satoh gave oral presentation as an invited speaker and, Gao(D2), Ebe(D2), Chaehun(D2), Suzuki(D2), Nishimura(D1), Ebii(M2), Baba(M2) gave poster presentations.


mango from Taiwan! (from Prof. Cheng-Liang Liu)

Prof. Cheng-Liang Liu (National Taiwan University) gave us mangoes!
Thank you so much!

many mangoes!!

Taiwan interns welcome & softball victory commemorative jinpa!

On July 5, we held a gimpa to welcome Taiwanese interns and commemorate their softball victory!

Sizzling Jingisukan


Softball Competition (semifinal)

The inter-laboratory softball competition was held! In the socond round, we played against the Laboratory of Chemical System Engineering, Catalytic Reaction Engineering, Material Design and Engineering and won the game!

nice play of Prof. Isono

nice batting of Prof. Satoh

Ebii's batting

We won!!

all members!!

International student from Taiwan

New member joined (Evan, Vivi (international student from National Taipei University of Technology) and Victoria(international student from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)). Welcome to our lab!

We ate soup curry!!

poster presentation prize (72nd Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting)

Iizuka (M1) and Nunokawa(M1) won the poster presentation prize at the 72nd Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting on May.

Softball Competition (2nd round)

The inter-laboratory softball competition was held! In the socond round, we played against the Laboratory of Interfacial Electrochemistry and won the game!

Prof. Isono


We won!

mango from Taiwan!

Prof. Guey-Sheng Liou (National Taiwan University) gave us mangoes!
It was so sweet and so delicious!
Thank you so much!

many mangoes

beautiful mango!

72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting

72nd Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting was held from 24th to 26th, May in Gunma. Ebe(D2), Chaehun(D2), Suzuki(D2) and Nishimura(D1) gave oral presentations, Ebii(M2), Baba(M2), Iizuka(M1), Ota(M1), Kobayashi(M1), and Nunokawa(M1) gave poster presentations.

Group photo!

Nishimura(D1)'s presentation


Farewell party for Huan Li

We held a farewell party for Huan Li from Harbin Institute of Technology. Thank you for your one year hard work!

Presenting gifts

Group photo!

Softball Competition (1st round)

The inter-laboratory softball competition was held! In the first round, we played against the Laboratory of Biosynthetic Chemistry and won the game!

Prof. Satoh



We won!!

BBQ (jimpa)!!

On May 12, we held our first BBQ(jimpa) of this year!


Have fun!

Sci-Mix in Kanazawa 2023

Research exchange meeting with Kenji Takahashi Lab (Kanazawa University) was held at Kanazawa University on April 7.
This was the second meeting since the first one was held at Hokkaido University in December last year, and it was a productive exchange meeting!

all members

Enjoy seafood in Kanazawa

New members joined

5 bachelor students and 3 master students joined to our laboratory.
In addition, Alga and Kenny (from Taiwan), Kosobe (secretary) and Weeranuch (postdoc) joined us!
We are very happy to work with you!!

all members

new member

Prof. Satoh's lecture in Taiwan

Prof. Satoh gave a talk entitled "One-step Synthesis of Multiblock Copolyester by Self- switchable Polymerization Using Alkali Metal Carbonate Catalyst" at the International mini-Symposium on Polymer Materials (ISPM) held in Taiwan from March 31 to April 2.
The chairperson was Prof. Kakuchi, a former professor of our laboratory.

Prof.Satoh also congratulated our co-researcher, Professor Wen-Chang Chen of National Taiwan University, on his appointment as president.

In addition, he saw the tree named Toshifumi Satoh!

Prof. Satoh's lecture


with Prof. Wen-Chang Chen and Prof. Borsali

With the tree named "Toshifumi Satoh"


The commencement and farewell party

We held the commencement and farewell party for graduating students!
Katsuhara (D3), Takagi (M2), Ashiya (M2), Takahashi (M2), and Ms. Kudo, our secretary, graduated from our lab.

all members

Thank you so much!!

farewell party

We gave them albums and gifts!

Bachelor and Master Thesises

Bachelor and master students presented their thesis.

Bachelor members

Kobayashi, Ota, Nunokawa, Iizuka

Master members

Takagi, Takahashi, Ashiya

Farewell party for international students from Taiwan

Tsai Cheng-Hang and Tzeng Yung-Ru of National Taipei University of Technology completed four months of research in Japan.
We are glad you enjoyed your research and your sightseeing in Hokkaido!
We had a farewell party today and promised to see each other again in Taiwan!
Good job studying abroad!

with Prof. Satoh

all members

PPC17 in Australia

Prof. Satoh gave an oral presentation at PPC17 (The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference, Brisbane, Australia) on December 12.
The title of the presentation is "One-step synthesis of multiblock copolymers by ring-opening copolymerization using alkali metal carboxylate catalyst"

Research exchange meeting with Kanazawa University

Research exchange meeting with Kanazawa University was held at Hokkaido University from December 18 to 19.
It was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better, not to mention discuss our research!



The 33rd Elastomer Symposium

The 33rd Elastomer Symposium was held at Mie University from December 15 to 16.
Ebe(D1) gave oral presentations.

in front of the hall

delicious food

Prof. Satoh in France

Prof. Satoh went to CERMAV-CNRS (Grenoble) in France to give a lecture titled "Precise Synthesis of Architecturally complex Polymer"

During presentation

group photo


Prof. Satoh, Suzuki (D1) and Nishimura (D1) participated in AsiaNANO2022 which was held on November 9-11.
The venue was Busan, South Korea!!

Suzuki(D1) during presentation

Nishimura(D1) during presentation

Prof.Satoh during presentation

Korean barbecue!!

12th CSJ Chemistry Festa

12th CSJ Chemistry Festa was held at Tower Hall Finabori from October 18 to 20.
Ebii(M1)、Tsuji(M1)、Soga(M1)、Mizukami(M1) gave poster presentations.

in front of the hall

Tsukishima Monja!!

International student from National Taipei University of Technology

New member joined (Tsai Cheng-Hang, Tzeng Yung-Ru (international student from National Taipei University of Technology)). Welcome to our lab!

Tsai Cheng-Hang (left) and Tzeng Yung-Ru (right)

And we got lots of yummy Taiwanese souvenirs!

Happy Birthday!

We celebrated Prof. Satoh's birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!

Prof. Satoh looks happy

group photo

71st Symposium on Macromolecules

71th Symposium on Macromolecules was held at Hokkaido University from September 5 to 7.
Prof.Satoh, Katsuhara(D3), Tio(D1), Nishimura(M2), Takahashi(M2), Ebii(M1), Tsuji(M1), and Hanyoung(M1) gave oral presentations, Baba(M1), Soga(M1), and Mizukami(M1) gave poster presentations.
It's been a while since we've had a face-to-face meeting, and we had some good presentations and discussions! Well done to all the presenters!

Held at Hokkaido University!!

Prof.Satoh during presentation

Katsuhara(D3) during presentation

Tsuji(M1) during presentation

Prof.Liou's lecture

The lectures by Professor Guey-Sheng Liou of National Taiwan University were held from August 29 to September 2.
Thanks for the interesting lecture!

Professor Emeritus Akira Hirao visited our laboratory

Professor Emeritus Akira Hirao of Tokyo Institute of Technology visited our lab and gave us a lot of advice mainly on anionic polymerization. Thank you very much!

37th Summer University in Hokkaido

37th Summer University in Hokkaido was held from 17th to 18th, August.
Ebii(M1), Tsuji(M1), Baba(M1), Huan Li and Huang Yan-Sin(international student) gave poster presentations.

during poster presentation

Baba(M1) won the poster presentation prize! Congratulations!

at the award ceremony

Prof.Li gave a lecture.

Prof.Borsali gave a lecture too.

Master Thesises (Nishimura)

Nishimura(M2) presented his thesis.
Great job!

Nishimura (presentating)

with Hamidah(BMC lab)

Internship student from National Taiwan University of Science & Technology

New member joined (Yan-Sin Huang (intership student from National Taiwan University of Science & Technology)).Welcome to our lab!

Front row center is Yan-Sin Huang.

Gift from Professor Emeritus Akira Hirao, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Professor Emeritus Akira Hirao, Tokyo Institute of Technolog, gave us some cokies.
They look very beautiful and delicious!!
Thank you!
delicious-looking cookies

farewell party for Ph.D. Xia

Ph.D. Xia, a visiting researcher, left Hokkaido University in July.
Thank you for everything!
Please come visit us in Japan again!!

with Prof. Satoh

National Taiwan University now has a tree named "Toshifumi Satoh"!

As a testament to our collaboration with National Taiwan University's College of Engineering Dean Wen-Chang Chen, a tree named "Toshifumi Satoh" has been created at National Taiwan University!

a tree named "Toshifumi Satoh"

The Chemical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch 2022 Summer Meeting

The Chemical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch 2022 Summer Meeting was held on July 23rd online.
Soga(M1), Mizukami(M1), Ebii(M1), Hanyoung(M1), Baba(M1) and Nishimura(M2) gave oral presentations.

29th The Cellulose Society of Japan Annual Meeting

29th The Cellulose Society of Japan Annual Meeting was held from 21st to 22nd, July in Kanazawa.
Tsuji(M1) gave poster presentations.

poster presentation prize (71th Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting)

Nishimura (M2), Ebii (M1) and Soga(M1) won the poster presentation prize at the 71th Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting on May.


Prof. Cheng-Liang Liu (National Taiwan University) gave us mangoes!
Thank you so much.

delicious-looking mangoes


beatiful mango!!

Prof. Borsali and Prof. Liou have arrived

Prof. Redouane Borsali (CERMAV-CNRS, Grenoble Alps University) and Prof. Guey-Sheng Liou (National Taiwan University) will stay at Hokkaido University for 6 months and 3 months, respectively, from June 10th as invited professors.
We are looking forward to working with you.

photo around the statue of honorary professor Akira Suzuki

Prof. Liou and Prof. Borsali

The Society of Fiber Science and Technology Japan Annual Meeting (2022)

The Society of Fiber Science and Technology Japan Annual Meeting (2022) was held from 8th to 10th, June in Tokyo and online.
Suzuki (D1) gave oral presentations and Nishimura (M2) did poster presentation.


Poster presentation was held online


Internship student from Harbin Engineering University

New member joined (Li Huan (intership student from Harbin Engineering University)).Welcome to our lab!

Front row, third from left is Li Huan.

71th SPSJ Annual Meeting

71th Society of Polymer Science of Japan Annual Meeting was held from 25th to 27th, May at online.
1st day

Ebii, Tsuji, Mizukami

3rd day

GAO, Soga, Hanyoung

New Assistant Professor Li Feng

Assistant Prof. Li Feng has arrived at our Laboratory from May 2.
Therefore, we will work under the new structure of Prof. Sato, Associate Prof. Isono, and Assistant Prof. Li.
We are very happy to work with you!

Front row, third from right is Assistant Prof. Li.

New members joined

4 bachelor students and 1 master students joined to our laboratory.
We are very happy to work with you!
Prof. Tajima has moved to the Biomolecular Chemistry Laboratory from this year.

From left to right, Iizuka (B4), Kobayashi (B4), Prof. Satoh, Prof. Isono, Nunokawa (B4), Baba (M1) and Ota (B4).
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